The enhancement of the flexibility of Ukrainian communities and their services provided to citizens – that was the ambitious goal of the International Exhibition CITY TRANS & PARKING.

The experience of the cities which found the most efficient, customer-oriented and environmental friendly way to deal with traffic challenges should be a roadmap for us.

With the support of the Corporation of Municipal Electric Transport Enterprises of Ukraine “Ukrelectrotrans”, the best municipal program for the development of urban mobility in 2021was recognized at the opening ceremony of the International Exhibition CITY TRANS & PARKING.


was granted to the city of Poltava
for the highest rate of electric vehicles renewal, better quality of passenger traffic and greenhouse gas emission curb.

In 2021, Poltavaelectroavtotrans renewed the rolling stock by purchasing one trolleybus per 14,000 citizens. This is the best result in Ukraine. Note that the project was implemented owing to the loan funds of the EBRD. Enhancing the attractiveness of public transport is one of the priorities of the Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan in Poltava. The active work of the Poltava City Council towards bringing that tremendous target into life was recognized with the REGIO CITY TRANS AWARD.


The successful experience in coping with public transport issues should be shared.

The best methods of sustainable mobility implementation should be spread and followed.